Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Monday, 16 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
EuroMaidan rallies in Ukraine (December 08, 2013)
For nearly a 3 weeks, a pall of sweet-smelling wood smoke has hung over Independence Square in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The reason of the riots is suspension of the European Union Association Agreement by the government.
Last weekend, the square played host to the worst violence in the country for almost a decade.
Tens of thousands of pro-European protesters defied a ban on demonstrations in the centre of Kiev and took control of Independence Square, stormed City Hall and demanded a “revolution” against President Viktor Yanukovych.
The authorities have been forced to cede control of not only the square, but the streets that surround it – and the demonstrators are not planning on leaving any time soon.
In fact they are busy preparing for their biggest protest to date; with up to 300,000 people expected to turn out on Sunday for the for the largest demonstration in Ukraine.
Friday, 6 December 2013
You’re not welcome, Mr President
Viktor Yanukovych, you have no purpose to be in Malta. You left behind a country in turmoil. Only last week, 350,000 people took to the streets of Kiev, the capital’s biggest protest since the Orange Revolution nine years ago, protesting your decision to freeze signing a cooperation agre-ement with the European Union.
Your people took to the streets pursuing a dream – Europe, you replied back with batons and tear gas – shame on you, Mr President.
You walked away from a pact offered by the EU, swinging trade policy back towards Russia.
You have succumbed to pressure from Moscow, and back-pedalled from signing the deal on closer relations with the EU in favour of renewed economic dialogue with Moscow.
Describing your decision as “a strategic pause in moves closer to Europe” is an insult, to say the least. Hand on heart, Mr President, you want to remain a Moscow stooge.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, too, did his best to keep Malta away from the EU
Of course, as European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said, “the European Union will not force Ukraine, or any other partner, to choose between the European Union or any other regional entity”.
But that doesn’t exclude the fact your position, Mr President, is untenable – you should go, now.
The Kiev demonstrations are clear evidence that the Ukrainian population, at large, has had enough of your presidency.
Your people want to escape Moscow’s orbit and join the European mainstream: that’s their dream, which you continue to forbid.
As heavyweight boxer-turned-opposition politician Vitaly Klitschko told the crowds on Independence Square: “They (your government) stole the dream”.
You promised your people that you will create a society of ‘European standard’, but your decision to back-pedal on the EU pact, and ordering the police and the army to clamp down on the demonstrations, in Kiev, are, in their very nature, the antithesis of a ‘European standard’.
Your people want Europe – they want freedom; they want opportunities; they want to join the rest of the world – but you insist on giving them more ‘Moscow’.
Your visit here is said to have been agreed upon between our Prime Minister and Barroso to ‘make it clear the EU’s door is still open’.
What Barroso and our Prime Minister should have added was that ‘the door is still open – to the people of Ukraine, but not to you,
Mr President, you’ve had your chance, and you’ve lost it – now, do the honourable thing and step down – don’t stop the Ukrainians’ dream from joining the rest of the world.
Mr President, I am not a fan of your host, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, because he, too, did his best to keep Malta away from the EU. He campaigned, vociferously, for Malta to stay out of Europe.
I come, Mr President, from a Labour Party background, but joined the Nationalist Party precisely because of the EU.
My dream, like that of thousands of young people, was for Malta to take its rightful place as an EU member state, and no one was going to hinder that dream.
I understand, perfectly well, the Ukrainian peoples’ frustration to your decision of keeping them away from Europe.
You promised them Europe – and when push came to shove you chose Russia – you dashed their dreams and you have only yourself to blame for that.
Mr President, the absolute majority of people in Malta have no time, and absolutely no sympathy, for leaders who suppress peaceful demonstrations through violent means. Thousands of people suffered at the hands of the Maltese Socialist regime – back in the 1980s, they know what it means to have your voice silenced by the State.
Mr President, the Ukrainian opposition is demanding the release of Yulia Tymoshenko who, your government, has locked up in prison for voicing her dissent against your government. How’s that for ‘European standards?’
I welcome Simon Busuttil’s decision not to attend state dinners during the president’s visit. I have no doubt Busuttil will express, vociferously, his disapproval of Yanukovych’s decision to keep the Ukraine away from the EU and, not least, his decision to suppress peaceful demonstrations in Kiev.
Mr President you have no reason to be in Malta. The will of the people will, ultimately, prevail.
Your presidency is on borrowed time. Mr President, our Prime Minister will not tell you this, but the absolute majority of the Maltese do: you are not welcome in Malta.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
5 Tips For Starting Your Projects
Tip 1: Develop the Project Charter
The Project Charter is a document that includes high level information about the project including key milestones, an overview of the budget and of course, the aims and objectives of the project. You will be key in preparing the document, but it should be owned by the project sponsor who takes responsibility for the project overall. Oh, and if you haven't already, make the time to meet your project sponsor! Ideally you should work on the Charter together so that you have a common understanding of what is to be done.
The Project Charter is a document that includes high level information about the project including key milestones, an overview of the budget and of course, the aims and objectives of the project. You will be key in preparing the document, but it should be owned by the project sponsor who takes responsibility for the project overall. Oh, and if you haven't already, make the time to meet your project sponsor! Ideally you should work on the Charter together so that you have a common understanding of what is to be done.
Tip 2: Identify Stakeholders
Who is going to be involved on your project? The project initiation phase is the perfect time to identify everyone who will have an input to your project or who can influence the work. The Charter gives you a starting point as it will help you see which areas of the business are going to be affected by the new project. You can also talk to your project sponsor to make sure that you don't miss anyone out.
Who is going to be involved on your project? The project initiation phase is the perfect time to identify everyone who will have an input to your project or who can influence the work. The Charter gives you a starting point as it will help you see which areas of the business are going to be affected by the new project. You can also talk to your project sponsor to make sure that you don't miss anyone out.
Tip 3: Select the Project Team
The next thing you need to do is to get some team members to work with! Think about the skills you will need in order to be able to complete the different project tasks. Most projects need a variety of different skills from subject matter experts. Then match these requirements to the skills of the available individuals and put together your team.
The next thing you need to do is to get some team members to work with! Think about the skills you will need in order to be able to complete the different project tasks. Most projects need a variety of different skills from subject matter experts. Then match these requirements to the skills of the available individuals and put together your team.
If you don't know how to start selecting suitable candidates you can ask other project managers or line managers for their advice about who would be able to contribute to the project.
Set up your team members. Then give them access to the right information for this project. Once that's done you can begin to allocate project tasks to them as the schedule is created.
Tip 4: Check the Business Benefits
Why is this project being done? It's important to understand the benefits and the rationale behind doing this project. Talk to your project sponsor if you aren't sure. Understanding the ‘why' will help you explain it to the other team members. You'll find that the team is more motivated if they understand why they are working on something and how it contributes to the business strategy and plans overall. If you can share a common understanding of the project's objectives this is a major step towards getting everyone on board.
Why is this project being done? It's important to understand the benefits and the rationale behind doing this project. Talk to your project sponsor if you aren't sure. Understanding the ‘why' will help you explain it to the other team members. You'll find that the team is more motivated if they understand why they are working on something and how it contributes to the business strategy and plans overall. If you can share a common understanding of the project's objectives this is a major step towards getting everyone on board.
Tip 5: Get started!
Now the preparation work is complete, you can get started working with your team and putting together your project schedule. Create a list of all the tasks that need to be done (with input from your team) and then add dates and milestones to form your schedule. You can then allocate tasks to the people who will be doing the work and instruct everyone to get started! Remember to set up your processes for monitoring and controlling the project work too so that you can keep on top of project status at any time.
Now the preparation work is complete, you can get started working with your team and putting together your project schedule. Create a list of all the tasks that need to be done (with input from your team) and then add dates and milestones to form your schedule. You can then allocate tasks to the people who will be doing the work and instruct everyone to get started! Remember to set up your processes for monitoring and controlling the project work too so that you can keep on top of project status at any time.
Starting a new project can be a hectic time. However, it doesn't have to be difficult. If you are clear about the roles and responsibilities of the project manager during this time, you can start your project off perfectly.
Monday, 2 December 2013
"На колени, мразь". Видео избиения "Беркутом" людей на Банковой
Сегодня вечером "Беркут" жестко избил людей на Банковой. Сотрудники "Беркута" избивали дубинками и ногами лежащих на земле людей. Жив демонстрант или нет - проверяли пинком ноги.
Сегодня вечером "Беркут" жестко избил людей на Банковой. Сотрудники "Беркута" избивали дубинками и ногами лежащих на земле людей. Жив демонстрант или нет - проверяли пинком ноги.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Звернення Асоціації правників України щодо розгону мітингувальників на Майдані Незалежності
ИЇВ – 30 листопада 2013 року. Асоціація правників України гостро засуждує невиправдано жорстоке застосування сили працівниками правоохоронних органів щодо мітингувальників на Майдані Незалежності у Києві у ніч з 29 на 30 листопада цього року.
У статті 3 Конституції України закріплено, що людина, її життя і здоров'я, честь і гідність, недоторканність і безпека визнаються в Україні найвищою соціальною цінністю.
Відповідно до статті 39 Конституції України громадяни мають право збиратися мирно, без зброї і проводити збори, мітинги, походи і демонстрації, про проведення яких завчасно сповіщаються органи виконавчої влади чи органи місцевого самоврядування. Ці основоположні права людини гарантовані також Конвенцією про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод (стаття 11), яку ратифіковано Законом України № 475/97-ВР від 17.07.1997 року.
Наголошуємо на тому, що обмеження щодо реалізації цього основоположного права може встановлюватися виключно судом відповідно до закону і лише в інтересах національної безпеки та громадського порядку - з метою запобігання заворушенням чи злочинам, для охорони здоров'я населення або захисту прав і свобод інших людей.
Згідно з повідомленням на офіційному веб-сайті Міністерства внутрішніх справ України “на Майдан Незалежності правоохоронці прибули на звернення Управління благоустрою КМДА”.
Звертаємо увагу, що за відсутності відповідного судового рішення будь-які дії правоохоронних органів стосовно мітингувальників, спрямовані на обмеження права на мирні збори, є очевидним перевищенням службових повноважень.
Стаття 12 Закону України “Про міліцію” передбачає, що у разі неможливості уникнути застосування сили вона не повинна перевищувати міри, необхідної для виконання покладених на міліцію обов'язків і має зводитись до мінімуму можливості завдання шкоди здоров'ю правопорушників та інших громадян.
Асоціація правників України гостро засуджує невиправдано жорстоке застосування сили правоохоронними органами щодо мітингувальників на Майдані Незалежності у Києві у ніч з 29 на 30 листопада цього року і закликає Генерального прокурора України Пшонку В.П. розпочати перевірку щодо очевидного перевищення працівниками правоохоронних органів своїх службових повноважень.
Police violently break up Independence Square protests at 4 a.m. today; many injuries reported (VIDEOS AND UPDATES)
Nov. 30, 2013, 3:22 p.m. | Ukraine — by Kyiv Post
A young man with a bandaged head after being treated for injuries takes refuge in St. Michael's monastery in Kyiv. Numerous news media outlets and eyewitnesses say police forcefully broke up the overnight protests on Maidan Nezalezhnosti about 4 a.m. Some people say police beat everyone in sight indiscriminately.
Kyiv police forcefully broke up a large gathering of protesters in Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti), beating demonstrators with truncheons, according to eyewitnesses and news agencies. There are reports of numerous injuries and detainees. The Associated Press said that police moved in shortly after 4 a.m. on Saturday, swinging clubs and using tear gas, according to a protest organizer, Sergei Milnichenko.
At that time, several hundred protesters remained, the news agency reported, down from the 10,000 people who gathered on Nov. 29 to call for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych in the wake of his refusal to sign a long-anticipated association agreement with the European Union.
Police spokeswoman Olha Bilyk justified the police raid to the Kyiv Post by saying that protesters were interfering with preparations to decorate the square for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. She said demonstrators blocked transport vehicles and city workers appealed to police for help. The spokeswoman said that protesters started throwing stones and burning logs, prompting riot police to be called in. Some 35 people were detained, but will be released after reports are filed, she said.
However, many demonstrators at the scene said the police violence was unjustified.
"First, workers in cars came to say they would wash the monument," said Ilya Nemishaev of Simferopol. "We were trying to make them leave. We were standing in front of their cars, asking them to leave. While we were standing, riot police came - it looked like 2,000 or 3,000 of them. We were standing around the monuments, holding hands. They came closer and started beating us on our legs and then dragging us out from the circle. I covered my head, but then they hit my legs. They were beating even girls, knocking them down to the ground."
Ukrainian Human Rights Ombudsman Oleksandra Kuzhil told the Kyiv Post that 14 people were taken to hospitals. One remains hospitalized with a concussion while 13 others were treated for injuries and then released. Three people are reportedly still unaccounted for, Kuzhil said.
"What can I say? If we do not reset this country, we will all die. If 200,000 or 300,000 people will come out, we can do anything," Kuzhil said.
The incident is the most blatant and massive case of non-lethal police brutality in Ukraine in recent memory.
"Police have never attacked peaceful demonstrators at such large scale with so many people hospitalized," human rights activist Yevhen Zakharov said. "There were fights between protesters in 2001, during the Ukraine Without (ex-President Leonid) Kuchma protests, but not one-sided attacks like this morning on such a big scale."
Ukrainska Pravda reported a similar scene, citing member of parliament Andriy Shevchenko and other public officials. Numerous Twitter reports using the #euromaidan and #євромайдан hash tags.
Pravda quoted Shevchenko as saying that dozens of people were injured and that there were dozens of detaines. "This Ukraine has never seen," Ukrainska Pravda wrote, citing Shevchenko's Twitter feed. Pravda said that Shevchenko and other politicians would remain on the scene.
The news site also cited one activist who said that more than 2,000 armed commandos took action against several hundred peaceful demonstrators and that people were beaten indiscriminately.
Channel 5 also reported similar events and this morning broadcast interviews with people who said that police beat everyone in site, including women and passersby, "They beat everyone, it was simply terrible," one eyewitness said on Channel 5. "I am shocked."
They also broadcast live footage throughout the morning of police who remained on the scene as well as city workers cleaning up the debris.
The crackdown came a day after U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt warned about serious consequences if force was used against the participants in the rally in support for Ukraine's European integration.
Speaking on the Voice of America radio, Pyatt said freedom of speech and freedom of the press are fundamental principles and a top priority for the United States. The Ukrainian authorities have been notified about the US position both publicly and in personal meetings that demonstrations that have been held this week are a positive fact showing the strength of democracy in Ukraine, which needs to be respected, Pyatt said.
The diplomat also strongly condemned attacks on journalists, including those that took place in Kyiv on Nov. 29.
In the meantime, people started gathering on St. Michael's Square in Kyiv for new demonstrations. "Thousands on Mykhailivska Ploshcha. Every car passing honks in support. Inspiring!" Roman Tatarsky, a Kyiv-based businessman reported on his Facebook page. By mid-afternoon, some 4,000 people had gathered on St. Michael's Square for a new rally. The police followed them. Some angry demonstrators pounded on police vans, but there were no reports of violence or clashes. Opposition politicians arrived for the rally. Passing drivers honked their horns. Foreign ambassadors also showed up in solidarity. Doctors were on hand to tell peole what to do if they are sprayed with tear gas.
A girl on St.Michael's Square holds a poster that says "Choke on your Christmas Tree"
A protester holds a poster that says "Kyiv, come out!" in front of St.Michael's Cathedral in Kyiv on Nov. 30
Friday, 29 November 2013
Monday, 16 September 2013
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Monday, 29 July 2013
Top 10 Soft Skills for Project Managers
At times I've taken cuts at what I thought are the necessary
characteristics of good project managers.
And some of those are are probably included in this three part series I am presenting now. But I've never looked at it as 'what are my top 10 soft skills that I think project managers should have in order to succeed more than they fail.' I know that doesn't sound overly ambitious, but when studies show that projects fail more often than succeed, then I think it's a reasonable goal to shoot for.
In Part 1 of this three part series on top soft skills for project managers, I'd like to discuss the first three of my list of ten. Please feel free to comment or include other soft skills that you think are necessary for good project management as you are reading and comparing to your own skills and experiences.
Can we do it? Well, certainly we think we can...and we'll maintain that perspective till we fail, right? But we also must be aware of the possible outcomes, the possible costs and time lost with even trying and weighing those with our potential for success. And when we are estimating work, we need to be both optimistic that we can accomplish the tasks, and pessimistic that it can truly be done in the shortest timeframe possible. Why? Because it usually can't. So our conflicted perspective must remain and we must come up with something that lands somewhere probably south of the middle. Too much pessimism will never fly with the customer and too much optimism will never fly with the project team. We're not schizophrenic - we're just project managers.
Effective project managers need to know how to efficiently use the resources they have for the betterment of the project they are leading. It's good leadership and good business.
And some of those are are probably included in this three part series I am presenting now. But I've never looked at it as 'what are my top 10 soft skills that I think project managers should have in order to succeed more than they fail.' I know that doesn't sound overly ambitious, but when studies show that projects fail more often than succeed, then I think it's a reasonable goal to shoot for.
In Part 1 of this three part series on top soft skills for project managers, I'd like to discuss the first three of my list of ten. Please feel free to comment or include other soft skills that you think are necessary for good project management as you are reading and comparing to your own skills and experiences.
Organisational skills have to be high up on any project management professional's list. Being organised, being systematic, knowing where important information is stored, who needs it when and even having the skills and knowledge to know how to plan for how, when and where to store it and distribute it is all part of the 'organised' package. Beyond that, the project manager must be organised in his thoughts and processes and understand what's important 'now' rather than constantly trying to multi-task. It's all about succeeding on each important task and moving on to the next...and making sure your team members know what's important and that they are managing their tasks that same way. Getting things done is critical, but not trying to get everything done at once is also critical, and the good project manager has the organisational skills to keep himself, the team and the project on track and focused on the most important tasks today, tomorrow and beyond.Communication
Communication skills are critical for project managers and many projects simply fall apart and fail because a project manager is weak in this area. Everyone on the team is expecting communication on the project to come from the project manager and the customer is as well. Even the delivery organisation's senior management is expecting this and will be looking to the PM to provide at least high level status and communication throughout the engagement. The PM who is a poor communicator will be misunderstood from time to time and will miscommunicate delegated tasks resulting in the wrong work being performed and the wrong or inaccurate information being disseminated to the team and the customer. This can easily result in missed deadlines, expensive rework and very dissatisfied project customers.Time Management
Since the project manager must give oversight to his team members' tasks and the customer's assigned tasks as well as be concerned with what he is doing for the project as well as what any outside vendors might be responsible for, time management is going to always be a crucial soft skill that the PM brings to the table. Understanding how his time and everyone's time on the project needs to be managed and how much time tasks should take will go a long way in ensuring that proper task oversight is given to the project. The PM who is a good estimator and can manage the project budget well and hold his team accountable to the effort and time being spent on assigned project tasks will be better able to keep the project budget in line as well. The PM with this skill will be better equipped to stay on top of the hours expended on the project - which ultimately turn into costs against the project budget. The project manager who is a good time manager is usually also a good manager of the project budget and a good manager of resource usage and the resource forecast.Decision-Making
The project manager must be a decision maker. I'd like to say they must be a good decision maker and that is true...the PM must be a good decision maker. But even more than that, they must just not be afraid to make decisions. Sometimes the PM even needs to make questionable decisions that they may have to stand by because they are the best decisions that can be made on the spot. It's the best decision that can be made when a key decision is called for immediately and there is no more info to go on other than what is on the table at that moment. It doesn't happen often – usually we have time to perform more analysis, seek out another opinion or more advice, and research a few options. But when we don't, we need to have the boldness and...well...guts to make a decision.Negotiation
Sometimes we must take on the role of negotiator. Just like making on the spot decisions, it takes some internal fortitude to boldly take the reins and negotiate your way out of a tough spot with the project client. You're losing a key resource in the next two weeks just when that resource is needed on some major tasks involved with the next phase of the project? Time to negotiate with the client on shifting that phase to later in the project so that you can get a replacement resource up to speed and productive in order to appropriately handle those tasks. How do you negotiate? That depends on the project. Often times money is a key motivator. After getting the ok from your senior management (who are probably the ones responsible for removing the resource from your project in the first place), offer the project customer a 10% discount on the phase of the project that you're pushing out to later in the engagement. Most customers will agree to that fairly quickly if the change in the project schedule doesn't negatively impact them more than they can reasonably accept.Optimism/Pessimism
I realise that putting these together is a contradiction of terms...and probably confusing. But I think it's also senseless to discuss one without the other. The project manager must – almost concurrently – be an extreme optimist and an extreme pessimist. And a realist...but that's probably fodder for a different article. We must always be upbeat - especially with the project client - while still being honest and open about the reality of any situation we are discussing.Can we do it? Well, certainly we think we can...and we'll maintain that perspective till we fail, right? But we also must be aware of the possible outcomes, the possible costs and time lost with even trying and weighing those with our potential for success. And when we are estimating work, we need to be both optimistic that we can accomplish the tasks, and pessimistic that it can truly be done in the shortest timeframe possible. Why? Because it usually can't. So our conflicted perspective must remain and we must come up with something that lands somewhere probably south of the middle. Too much pessimism will never fly with the customer and too much optimism will never fly with the project team. We're not schizophrenic - we're just project managers.
Being stubborn is often seen as a negative thing. In terms of project management, I see it as 100% positive. The effective project manager - and leader of any type, for that matter - needs to be bold and be stubborn in their decision-making and direction. A leader who wavers too often is seen as weak and will not be one that the legions will follow. It is very hard to get your project team or your customer to take you seriously as the project leader if you change your mind frequently or seem to have difficulty making bold choices and decisions. Decide - and don't take too long to decide - and move on. Be prepared to back up your decisions and actions.Resource Management
Project managers often don't have direct hiring/firing oversight and responsibility for their project team members. But that doesn't mean they don't need to be excellent resource managers. Knowing how to help cultivate interests and new skills in what their resources seem to be leaning towards serves two purposes. First, it helps the project team member grow as a skilled and valuable resource to the organisation. Second, it helps the project manager immediately if they find a project team resource who is skilled enough and confident enough to learn something new on the fly and take on additional and unexpected tasks. This can save the project manager - and the project budget - from taking a hit from on-boarding an 'expert' for a short-term need. It's a win-win situation.Effective project managers need to know how to efficiently use the resources they have for the betterment of the project they are leading. It's good leadership and good business.
Next up - interpersonal skills. It's a given that you can't crawl in a hole and disappear if you're the project manager tasked with leading teams into productive action. The PM job description should probably read... Attention: non-communicators and introverts need not apply. It's not for the faint of heart and it's certainly not for individuals who have trouble interacting effectively with other individuals. In fact, you're interpersonal skills and ability to affectively communicate and interact with other individuals on the project - the team and all key stakeholders - may be the most important soft skill of my top 10.Flexibility
Finally, the ability to be flexible is yet another important top 10 skill. It may sound contradictory to the stubborn skill/trait listed early, but not need both. The PM must be steadfast to breed confidence and to ensure that decisions get made so action can happen and the project can move forward. But the PM must be flexible due to the uncertain nature of some of the projects we manage. Change happens...requirements change, new requirements come up, outside vendors have issues, project teams have issues, and customers needs or business processes can change. The project manager who is unable or unwilling to be flexible to some degree during the project is going to experience frequent frustration. Likewise, the PM must be able to manage that flexibility and keep it somewhat in check...there's a time to be flexible and a time not to be - you must recognise the difference.Call for Response
How about our readers? I've listed what I consider my top 10 soft skills for project managers. What are yours? Which ones on my list would you replace and why? Which ones do you struggle with and which ones are your strengths? I'm looking forward to your feedback and discussions. Thank you!link
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Уроки бизнеса
Урок 1
Муж заходит в душ, в то время как его жена только закончила мыться. Раздается дверной звонок. Жена наскоро заворачивается в полотенце и бежит открывать. На пороге - сосед Боб. Только увидев её, Боб говорит: "Я дам Вам 800 долларов, если Вы снимете полотенце". Подумав пару секунд, женщина делает это и стоит перед Бобом голая. Боб дает ей 800 долларов и уходит. Жена надевает полотенце обратно и возвращается в ванную. "Кто это был?" - спрашивает муж. , "Боб" - отвечает жена. "Прекрасно, - говорит муж, - он ничего не говорил про 800 долларов, которые мне должен?"
Мораль истории: делитесь с акционерами информацией о выданных кредитах, иначе Вы можете оказаться в неприятной ситуации.
Урок 2
Священник предлагает монахине подвезти ее. Сев в машину, она закидывает ногу за ногу, так, что бедро обнажается. Священнику с трудом удается избежать аварии. Выровняв машину, он украдкой кладет руку ей на ногу. Монахиня говорит: "Отец, Вы помните Псалом 129?" Священник убирает руку. Но, поменяв передачу, он опять кладет руку ей на ногу. Монахиня повторяет: "Отец, Вы помните Псалом 129?". Священник извиняется: "Простите, сестра, но плоть слаба". Добравшись до монастыря, монахиня тяжело вздыхает и выходит. Приехав в церковь, священник находит Псалом 129. В нем говорится: "Иди дальше и ищи, выше ты найдешь счастье".
Мораль истории: если Вы плохо знаете свою работу, многие возможности для развития пройдут прямо у Вас перед носом.
Урок 3
Торговый представитель, секретарша и менеджер идут обедать и находят античную лампу. Они потирают ее, и из нее появляется Джин. Он говорит: "Я исполню по одному желанию каждого из вас". "Я первая, я первая!", - говорит секретарша. "Я хочу сейчас быть на Багамах, на катере, и не думать ни о чем". Пшш! Она исчезает. "Теперь я, теперь я", - говорит торговый представитель. "Я хочу быть на Гавайях, отдыхать на пляже, с массажем, бесконечным запасом пина колады и любовью всей моей жизни". Пшш! Он исчезает. "Теперь твоя очередь", - говорит Джин менеджеру. "Я хочу, чтобы те двое вернулись в офис после обеда".
Мораль истории: всегда давайте Вашему боссу высказаться первым.
Урок 4
Орел сидел на дереве, отдыхал и ничего не делал. Маленький кролик увидел орла и спросил: "А можно мне тоже сидеть, как Вы, и ничего не делать?" "Конечно, почему нет", - ответил тот. Кролик сел под деревом и стал отдыхать. Вдруг появилась лиса, схватила кролика и съела его.
Мораль истории: чтобы сидеть и ничего не делать, Вы должны сидеть очень, очень высоко.
Урок 5
Индейка говорила с быком. "Я мечтаю забраться на вершину дерева, - вздыхала она, - но у меня так мало сил". "Почему бы тебе не поклевать мой помет? - отвечал бык, - в нем много питательных веществ". Индейка склевала кучку помета, и это действительно дало ей достаточно сил, чтобы забраться на нижнюю ветку дерева. На следующий день, съев еще, она достигла второй ветки. Наконец, на четвертый день, индейка гордо сидела на вершине дерева. Там ее заметил фермер и сбил выстрелом из ружья.
Мораль истории: манипуляции с дерьмом могут помочь вам забраться на вершину,но не удержат вас там.
Урок 6
Маленькая птичка летела на юг, чтобы перезимовать. Было так холодно, что она замерзла и упала на землю в большом поле. Пока она там лежала, корова прошла мимо и покакала на нее. Лежа в коровьей лепешке, птичка вдруг поняла, как ей тепло. Коровье дерьмо вернуло ее к жизни! Птичке вдруг стало так хорошо, что она запела, чтобы выразить свою радость. Пробегавшая мимо кошка услышала пение и решила разобраться, в чем тут дело. Следуя к источнику звука, кошка нашла птичку, раскопала ее и съела.
Мораль истории: 1) не каждый, кто нагадил на Вас, Ваш враг. 2) не каждый, кто достает Вас из дерьма, Ваш друг. 3) когда Вам хорошо и тепло, лучше держать рот закрытым.
Урок 7
В компанию пришла партия яблок, побитых морозом и покрытых черными пятнами. Джеймс Янг просто отправил их заказчикам, сопроводив посылки письмом: «Обратите внимание на эти пятна. Они указывают на то, что яблоки выращены в горах, при резких перепадах температур. Благодаря этому яблоки приобретают характерную для них сочность, сахаристость и аромат. Если окажется, что все сказанное нами не соответствует действительности, вы можете отослать весь товар назад».
Конечно, ни один из заказчиков не вернул Янгу яблоки. Более того, почти все заказы на яблоки следующего урожая сопровождались припиской: «Пришлите и в этот раз с пятнышками».
Мораль истории: нет безвыходных ситуаций! Мыслите креативно и все у Вас получится.
Мораль истории: делитесь с акционерами информацией о выданных кредитах, иначе Вы можете оказаться в неприятной ситуации.
Урок 2
Священник предлагает монахине подвезти ее. Сев в машину, она закидывает ногу за ногу, так, что бедро обнажается. Священнику с трудом удается избежать аварии. Выровняв машину, он украдкой кладет руку ей на ногу. Монахиня говорит: "Отец, Вы помните Псалом 129?" Священник убирает руку. Но, поменяв передачу, он опять кладет руку ей на ногу. Монахиня повторяет: "Отец, Вы помните Псалом 129?". Священник извиняется: "Простите, сестра, но плоть слаба". Добравшись до монастыря, монахиня тяжело вздыхает и выходит. Приехав в церковь, священник находит Псалом 129. В нем говорится: "Иди дальше и ищи, выше ты найдешь счастье".
Мораль истории: если Вы плохо знаете свою работу, многие возможности для развития пройдут прямо у Вас перед носом.
Урок 3
Торговый представитель, секретарша и менеджер идут обедать и находят античную лампу. Они потирают ее, и из нее появляется Джин. Он говорит: "Я исполню по одному желанию каждого из вас". "Я первая, я первая!", - говорит секретарша. "Я хочу сейчас быть на Багамах, на катере, и не думать ни о чем". Пшш! Она исчезает. "Теперь я, теперь я", - говорит торговый представитель. "Я хочу быть на Гавайях, отдыхать на пляже, с массажем, бесконечным запасом пина колады и любовью всей моей жизни". Пшш! Он исчезает. "Теперь твоя очередь", - говорит Джин менеджеру. "Я хочу, чтобы те двое вернулись в офис после обеда".
Мораль истории: всегда давайте Вашему боссу высказаться первым.
Урок 4
Орел сидел на дереве, отдыхал и ничего не делал. Маленький кролик увидел орла и спросил: "А можно мне тоже сидеть, как Вы, и ничего не делать?" "Конечно, почему нет", - ответил тот. Кролик сел под деревом и стал отдыхать. Вдруг появилась лиса, схватила кролика и съела его.
Мораль истории: чтобы сидеть и ничего не делать, Вы должны сидеть очень, очень высоко.
Урок 5
Индейка говорила с быком. "Я мечтаю забраться на вершину дерева, - вздыхала она, - но у меня так мало сил". "Почему бы тебе не поклевать мой помет? - отвечал бык, - в нем много питательных веществ". Индейка склевала кучку помета, и это действительно дало ей достаточно сил, чтобы забраться на нижнюю ветку дерева. На следующий день, съев еще, она достигла второй ветки. Наконец, на четвертый день, индейка гордо сидела на вершине дерева. Там ее заметил фермер и сбил выстрелом из ружья.
Мораль истории: манипуляции с дерьмом могут помочь вам забраться на вершину,но не удержат вас там.
Урок 6
Маленькая птичка летела на юг, чтобы перезимовать. Было так холодно, что она замерзла и упала на землю в большом поле. Пока она там лежала, корова прошла мимо и покакала на нее. Лежа в коровьей лепешке, птичка вдруг поняла, как ей тепло. Коровье дерьмо вернуло ее к жизни! Птичке вдруг стало так хорошо, что она запела, чтобы выразить свою радость. Пробегавшая мимо кошка услышала пение и решила разобраться, в чем тут дело. Следуя к источнику звука, кошка нашла птичку, раскопала ее и съела.
Мораль истории: 1) не каждый, кто нагадил на Вас, Ваш враг. 2) не каждый, кто достает Вас из дерьма, Ваш друг. 3) когда Вам хорошо и тепло, лучше держать рот закрытым.
Урок 7
В компанию пришла партия яблок, побитых морозом и покрытых черными пятнами. Джеймс Янг просто отправил их заказчикам, сопроводив посылки письмом: «Обратите внимание на эти пятна. Они указывают на то, что яблоки выращены в горах, при резких перепадах температур. Благодаря этому яблоки приобретают характерную для них сочность, сахаристость и аромат. Если окажется, что все сказанное нами не соответствует действительности, вы можете отослать весь товар назад».
Конечно, ни один из заказчиков не вернул Янгу яблоки. Более того, почти все заказы на яблоки следующего урожая сопровождались припиской: «Пришлите и в этот раз с пятнышками».
Мораль истории: нет безвыходных ситуаций! Мыслите креативно и все у Вас получится.
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